Friday, June 20, 2008

Internet Marketing Strategies Most Common Mistakes

There is no such thing as problem sites, only problem people who create those sites. The beauty of business life on the internet remains that most common mistakes can be corrected. Not only can most common mistakes be corrected, but everyone makes mistakes, and every website becomes a study in gauging response.

One of the premier mistakes made in the arena of the internet today is the lack of planning. The lack of crafting a website based on a previously thought out and researched internet marketing strategy. Before a site can be created, everyone should have a clear understanding as to what their site is suppose to accomplish. Before a site is built, there must be clear goals in mind, as well as a clear understanding of who your target market is, and how your site will best reach that market. Traditional businesses begin with a business plan. Online marketing must also begin with a targeted and researched business plan.

Secondly, a very common mistake made by people who launch campaigns on the internet pertains to understanding the time required to achieve a proper response. Some years ago a movie was made called “Field of Dreams”. From that movie came a commonly quoted line, “Build it and they will come.” Many internet business people approach their website with the attitude, “Build it and they will be here right now!”

Every website requires time to be created, launched, and then comes the real work of promoting that site. In order to reach your target market, your site has to be in place, and an internet presence established. Every sale that is made on the internet typically requires 500 to 1000 of your URL impressions. It takes time to build to that level of traffic volume.

A third mistake pertains to the area of “I” problems. Many business people craft a website that looks good to them. They look at and see their website through their own eyes, hence the term…“I” problems. It is imperative when crafting a website, that every business person learn to look at their website through the eyes of their targeted market. There are colors which are offensive to certain cultures. There are terms and phrasing which appeal to various demographic age groups. Learn to look at your website through the eyes of your customer.

Fourth among the list of most common mistakes pertaining to internet sites, pertains to the crafting of websites which are not search engine as well as customer friendly. Search engine optimization remains the basic priority in search engine structure. A web site must be properly optimized.

Even as a website is properly optimized it must also be customer friendly. Once a visitor arrives at a website, for every click-through your visitors must make to commit to a sale, your number of visitors will be reduced by 50 percent. A website that is optimized for the customer will require no more than two click-throughs to commit to a sale. If the first click-through takes your visitor from a home page to a sales page, then the second click-through must be on some form of payment processor, such as PayPal, or a custom designed shopping cart button. Two clicks or visitors are gone.

Finally, one of the most disappointing mistakes made by business site owners pertains to an inability to accept and adopt change. One of the true entrepreneurial characteristics that remains separate from a corporate structure is the ability to adapt and change quickly. Website owners must be willing to address non-productive challenges, as well as stay current with the times.

We all make mistakes. The true measure of any business’ strength lays in the way mistakes are addressed and corrected. When we fall on our knees, success beckons us to rise up, dust ourselves off, and grab hold of the excellence life has to offer.

About the Author

Copyright © 2008 James C. Tanner. All Rights Reserved.

James C. Tanner of is a published writer, business course creator and trainer. His newest books include, “Secret Magnetic Internet Marketing Strategies”, “Let Loose The Promotional Genius In You”, “The Encyclopedia Of Traffic Building Tactics”, and “Website Monetization And Paid Online Opportunities”.

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